
‘Gillet’ (C. sativa × C. crenata) was grown from seed provided by Bob Bergantz. Like ‘Bergantz’, it is expected to be a seedling of the cultivar ‘Nevada’. ‘Gillet’ grows vigorously but has a compact orchard-type form. The cultivar produces

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‘Everfresh’ (C. mollissima) is a selection from the Michigan State University experiment station at Benton Harbor. The cultivar displayed consistent (but not high) yields in Michigan and unique characters that enabled frost avoidance when most C. mollissima cultivars experienced

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‘Eaton’ (C. mollissima × C. crenata × C. dentata) is a “favorite eater” among chestnut consumers (M. Gold and M. Nave, personal communication). Its characteristics are predominantly of C. mollissima, and its nuts (12–13 g) have excellent flavor, raw

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Douglass 1A

‘Douglass 1A’ (C. mollissima × C. dentata) is a selection by Earl Douglas, who made many C. mollissima × C. dentata hybrids in New York in the 1950s and 1960s. Its nut size varies quite a bit within a

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‘Crane’ (C. mollissima) is a seedling selected from nuts sent by Peter Liu to the USDA in 1936, and subsequently evaluated in Philema, GA. It is from the same seedlot as ‘Meiling’ and ‘Nanking’, but it grows more upright,

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‘Carr’ (C. mollissima) is a seedling that originated from a seedlot in Tientsin, China. The USDA (Beltsville, MD) sent the seed to R.D. Carr of Magnolia, NC, in 1915. ‘Carr’ was first grafted in 1932 by H.F. Stoke of

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‘Carolina’ (C. mollissima) is a third-generation open-pollinated offspring selected in Alachua, FL, from the widely available Dunstan population. The population is derived from a putative and lost C. dentata tree (described as blight resistant) and three C. mollissima cultivars,

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Bouche de Betizac

‘Bouche de Betizac’ (C. sativa × C. crenata) is an open-pollinated seedling of the French cultivar ‘Bouch Rouge’ and a C. crenata pollen parent. It was introduced to the United States by Craddock and Pellegrino (1992). Grafted trees have

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